
CRG + UrbanHealth Lab believes that social justice is necessary to ensuring the health and well-being of all. We stand with our community and with the goal of promoting equity and working to end systemic racism everywhere.

Natural gas leaks are everywhere and they present two main dangers, combustion and asphyxiation. Participate in a research study aimed at reducing the dangers of natural gas leaks. Earn up to $175 in cash and Amazon gift cards. Visit www.GasLeakStudy.nyc to see if you’re eligible.

Roseland Ballroom, NYC

CRG + UrbanHealth Lab believes that social justice is necessary to ensuring the health and well-being of all. We stand with our community and with the goal of promoting equity and working to end systemic racism everywhere.
What's New?
Research: Smell Something? Say Something.
CRG + UrbanHealth Lab was recently awarded a grant from CUNY/Con Edison to study human behavioral responses to detecting and reported suspected natural gas leaks.
Fall 2021/Spring 2022 Virtual Lab Seminars
The UrbanHealth Lab will be hosting its 2020-2021 lab seminar series virtually (via Zoom). This year's structure includes a combination of semi-structured discussions on topics such as authorship and non-academic research careers as well as formal presentations on research being conducted by CUNY faculty, fellows, and lab affiliates.
The Ethical Slut Redux
CRG + UrbanHealth Lab Co-Director Dr. Nicholas Grosskopf gave a talk on ethical conduct in sex research at the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality's Inaugural Summer Research Institute (July 2018).
Got time for a quickie?
Participants needed for health research studies at the UrbanHealth Lab at York College/CUNY. You may be eligible for compensation.
Research: #MeToo
In light of the recent media attention paid to sexual coercion, the CRG + UrbanHealth Lab team was awarded a grant to explore the varying content and genres of information on YouTube regarding sexual harassment, sexual consent, sexual assault, and sexual abuse.
Research: #VaxWithMe
During the 2017-2018 season, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) was at or above the epidemic threshold for 16 consecutive weeks. The CRG + UrbanHealth Lab team was recently funded to study the content and messaging of popular YouTube videos regarding the seasonal flu vaccine.